COVID-19 Pandemic Impact on Tourism


Year 2020 when COVID-19 Pandemic started, and a lot of people suffered from this pandemic. Countries need to lockdown for the safety of their citizens. people are not allowed to go out of their houses unless they are going to the market to buy food. and I remember the sanitizers, alcohol etc. every product that can use to sanitize, is out of stock. most of the people are hoarding it because everyone is afraid of the virus. A lot of people lost their jobs, some businesses closed but What is the Impact of the pandemic on Tourism industry?

Tourism is one of the most affected by the COVID-19 Pandemic. the pandemic affects the economy, livelihood, public services and opportunities around the world. some airlines closed because of bankruptcy. and It also affect other places like museum, amusement parks, sports venues, tourism spots because they have lost revenues because there are no travelers.

This Pandemic also impacted the travelers because of travel restrictions around the world, in an attempt  to contain its spread. Other countries and regions have imposed global restrictions that apply to all foreign countries and territories, or prevent their own citizens from travelling overseas. and they were doing this for the people's safety.

As a traveler, COVID-19 Pandemic affects me because for the last two years we cannot travel, some places are closed for tourist and there are other places that are open for tourist but they have a lot of requirements. and you need to be quarantined, also the expenses is double. but at least now we can travel again because I think the only requirement is if you are fully vaccinated.

It's been 2 years since the COVID-19 Pandemic started, and I think we are slowly getting back to normal. you can travel again if you are fully vaccinated, no more quarantine. We just have to obey the safety protocols like if you are going out please wear face mask, always sanitize your things , always bring alcohol with you. and for those people who are not vaccinated, please get vaccinated its for your own safety. 

We are now living in a new normal so please take care of yourselves. go travel and enjoy your life! but be careful, choose your destination where is safe and  the COVID-19 cases is low and don't forget to get vaccinated.

Life is a Question and how we live it is our Answer. - Gary Keller


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